2011. december 24., szombat

E-Tech Wireless Router - Jelenlegi ára: 7 500 Ft

Elado a képen látható E-Tech WGRT04 -es wireless (wifi) router. Nagyon könnyedén konfigurálható, gyors, megbizható.
Új ár: 12. 950 Ft
Built-in wireless access point 54Mbps, 128bit encryption
Downwards compatible with Wireless 11Mbps
Supports DHCP, PPPoE and PPTP/VPN
IPSec VPN pass-through
Log function with automatic sending e-mail
Static and Dynamic routing table
Supports Virtual Server (Local Server Mapping)
Supports blocking access to user-defined websites
Supports DDNS
Support Wireless MAC address filtering
Outdoor range up to 250 meter, indoor range up to 40 meter
Compatible with Windows, Linux and Apple Mac
Switch with 4 ports 10/100Mbps
1 WAN UTP-port 10/100Mbps for cablemodem or ADSL modem
Easy to configure with any web browser
Supports DHCP client for WAN port
Supports DHCP-server for LAN
Supports changing MAC address
Metal housing

Jelenlegi ára: 7 500 Ft

Az aukció vége: 2011-12-25 15:50
. E-Tech Wireless Router - Jelenlegi ára: 7 500 Ft